Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A few photos...

Well, she's made it. My two previous dogs that didn't graduate had given me a call by now. Zastrow for medical problems and Pismo for behavioural issues (I saw that one coming from 10 weeks old ;-} ). The other three went all the way. I got the letter stating that she was having fun and who her trainer was. I forgot to mention in my last post that I received a great compliment at graduation, an acclaim that I raised the best dogs, LOL, and that I should write a book.

These are a few photo's of Genevieve's favorite things...

Her kennel... This is her squeezing into Wei Wei's kennel.

Her bowl... She walks around looking like she's asking for donations.

Running around outside... as long as it's not raining, muddy, or too hot. She is a Diva.

Laying on Belle's tushie...

Sleeping and wearing her sweatshirt... She gets cold easily.

Her bowl and swimming across the floor... She will get on her back and wiggle across the floor. It is very odd.

Her black Kong that she destroyed... and her bowl is nearby.

The best thing ever: sleeping, Belle's tushie, and her bowl nearby. She's an odd one.

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