Friday, December 12, 2008

A Word From the Dogs

A Pet's Ten Commandments...

1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any seperation from you is painful.

2. Give me time to understand what you want from me. Don't break my spirit with your temper but know I will always forgive you.

3. Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well being. 

4. Don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. I only have you.

5. Talk to me. I may not understand your words but I understand your voice. It is the best sound I will ever hear. 

6. Treat me kindly. Take me inside when it is cold and wet. I am a domesticated animal and am no longer accustom to the bitter outdoors. I ask for little beyond your gentle hand, a clean bowl of water,  and good food. Feed me well so that I may share my life with you, for that is what I live for. 

7. Don't hit me. Remember that I could hurt you in turn, but choose not to. 

8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative ask yourself if something might be bothering me. I have no voice to tell you my ailments. 

9. Take care of me when I get old. You will grow old too.

10. When I can no longer stay on this Earth and go to join the Lord, go with me please. Never say you can't bear to watch. Don't make me face this alone, everything is less frightening with you by my side because I love you. 

*Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take care of them while they are here. Life would be much duller and less joyful for us without God's creatures. 
Genesis 9:8-13, 1:24-25

Good news!!!

Good news on the Sunke front. We got a "letter" from him today saying he was doing great up at CCI and his trainer is Meredith. So far he's made it over the hard part, in my opinion. My two pups that "changed careers" had called me by this point. Zastrow for medical problems and Pismo had behavior problems. So I'm holding out hope for him. He's such a smart boy! 

I got my Christmas gift from Lacey's new mom, Caren. It's a calendar of all these wonderful photos of that awesome girl doing what she does best. I loved showing these to my friends and colleagues, it helps them to understand exactly what my dogs are working towards. And of course Lacey is just so cute! Photos of her doing anything make me happy! Pismo (Ty) was also kind enough to send Belle a Christmas present. I have been working on their gifts but haven't sent them out yet. I've been lazy. 

Genevieve is turning into quite the handful. She's got such a personality. She reminds me a lot of a young Yancie or what Lacey must have been like as a puppy. She's got a stubborn streak a mile wide and wants to be the top dog. Belle, surprisingly, has on problem with this!

In my front, I have a Wii now and Wii Fit and love it!!! So much fun! I don't think it will help anyone lose weight but it sure is fun. I took the RICA too, not fun.

And the best news of all...


School is OUT!!!! 
(and I'm almost done with my TPA)! 
On to student teaching... 
(hopefully with Mr. Hulin).

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sunke is Gone

As most of you well know Sunke went on to Advanced training about two weeks ago, on November 15th. Needless to say it was a very bad day. I can finally talk about it two weeks later. I know he is ready to be a big boy now but it doesn't make me miss him any less. He was still one of the biggest boys there and was one of the best behaved (IMO). We also got to see his sister, Suki, who looked NOTHING like my boy. Below is his "slide" from the slideshow. 

In other news: I can't figure out why some people still ask "How was giving him back?" or "Do you miss him?" It irritates me. Of course I miss him and it wasn't fun! He was half the reason I got out of bed every morning for the past year (the other half is Belle). He is my boy. I even had one woman in one of my classes ask "Where is he?" Everyone except her apparently knew.  ::eyeroll:: And of course I burst into tears right there in the middle of class.  That made me so mad, good thing she was two tables away. 

One  good highlight of the day is that we got to see PISMO!!! (and his human, Ty). He looked so good and still obeys. Ty is a the best "dad" to 'Mo. 
During turn-in I thought Vieve would lose her hair. She was going to need puppy-Rogaine EVERYONE had to pet her and they loved the little sling I carry her around in.